WandaVision writer and Moon Knight confirm that they co-wrote Marvel’s Werewolf by night

Peter Cameron is a relative newcomer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the writer is finding himself busier than ever. Cameron managed to land in the writer’s room for both of them WandaVision And the moon knight, co-wrote “The Very Special…” and “The All-New Halloween Spooktacular!” for the former and the “friendly kind” and “grave” with the latter. Now, he revealed that he also wrote one of the most recent MCU projects.

In a tweet over the weekend, Cameron retweeted a werewolf at night teaser, confirming that he co-wrote the script along with Heather Quinn, a Marvel veteran. Quinn has credits in Hawkeye Marvel, co-writing Partners, Am I Right? With Irene Cansino.

Cameron’s ad helps draw the filmmaking crew even further. In addition to the two writers, it was revealed that Michael Giacchino is making his Marvel debut on the project.

“I’ve had a blast,” Giacchino previously told ComicBook.com in an exclusive interview. “It’s a very difficult process. I love it.” “Every day, I’ve been enjoying working on it while we’re in the middle of it. I hope we’ll be sharing a lot more about it soon. Yeah. There’s not much I can say other than I’m having a good time working on something I love.” So, this is a win-win for everyone.”

The official Marvel privacy summary can be found below:

The summary reads: “On a dark and sad night, a secret gang of monster hunters came out of the shadows and gathered at the Bloodstone Temple after their leader’s death.” “In a strange and harrowing remembrance of the leader’s life, attendees are thrust into a mysterious and deadly competition for a powerful trail–a hunt that will eventually bring them face to face with a dangerous beast.”

werewolf at night Disney+ hits October 7. What other characters do you hope to appear in the upcoming special? Let us know your thoughts either in the comments section or by Our writer AdamBarnhardt hit up on Twitter to chat all things MCU!



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